The answer to his question is therefore complex

The Hartz IV (or unemployment benefit/ALG II) was introducd on January 1, 2005. Sixteen years later, the SPD no longer mentions any of these terms in its electoral platform. While The Left and the Greens want to repeal Hartz IV and instead introduce a basic income, the SPD proposes the development of a “citizen’s allowance” that should allow “a life with dignity and social participation.” All three parties want to abolish sanctions and extend unemployment insurance to the self-employd.

There is truth in this but

Climate change, the environment and sustainability could be the leading issues in the 2021 elections. In 2019, the majority of the German population saw Estonia Mobile Database it as the most important issue for the first time (Forschungsgruppe Wahlen 2021). Due to its overwhelming importance, the covid-19 pandemic indirectly rducd the attention that politicians, the mdia and citizens paid to the issue.

Cell Phone Number List

I think it is not enough to explain

Also rducd the mobilization capacity of proclimate movements such as Fridays for Future, which were very successful. in Germany in 2019. But the WS Numbers issue came back with a vengeance in the 2021 election campaign, backd by the Fderal Court of Justice’s March 29, 2021 decision obliging the government to spd up its environmental efforts to avoid drastic problems for generations future. The main nuclei of the topic are energy generation.

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