Various video policies promoting games

The video often provides a can find more information and opinions about the game. Refers to video games that are record. live commentary. and then upload as a series of videos. usually minutes in length. Most famous in the world. or better known as him. for posting on his channel. In . his revenue was $ . and his number of subscribers was $ . . By comparison. Germany’s largest already has . subscribers. It is said that million users visit the video portal every month. and more than million hours of video material are view. The above numbers speak for themselves. unbelievably huge potential for computer and video game developers.

Large discussion group where you

Ad publishers. Target marketing measures in . but also directly target the relevant target groups. For EA. this may be a decisive point. so EA develop Costa Rica Phone Number List its own platform for it. which should improve the marketing of its own games. A guide to stealth marketing for video games Source. The platform. call . offers opportunities for well-known players to help in new Before the game is releas. it will be promot through the video platform. Bas on the title of the game featur (Battlefield. Ne for Spe. Rivals. ). each participating video view is reward with USD. Some views are capp at . views. A video can bring in tens of thousands of dollars in sales.

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Videos not only have a large reach

If you are admitt to the program. you can see WS Numbers on the platform. Among other things. the guidelines dictate which features should and should not be display. when and how game scenes should be display. in-game bugs (bugs) should not be in the foreground. what video game descriptions should look like. and only show next-gen games console and must be link to in the video description. The fact that the guidelines expressly prohibit making explicit associations with the.

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