The text should not only harmonize well with the

Recipients like content that they can learn step by step. When information is mix together, it becomes overwhelming and confusing. Take care of subheadings. Divide the content into several blocks and prepare a separate heading for each, which will be an element of content navigation. Separate blocks. Try to visually separate individual pieces of information from each other. Use different backgrounds, frames, etc. Choose colors consciously Color is the first graphic element that the human eye notices. Colors not only affect our sense of aesthetics, but also evoke certain emotions. Choose colors according to the impression you want to make and the topic you are talking about.

Adjust the length The average size was pixels

However, you should not overdo it with the number of colors.  contain a maximum of three colors. The body of the claim Your message will be more Dentist Email List effective if the data you provide is crible. From the point of view of the audience, authority can be understood quite broadly. Elements that make information crible include statistics various types of research, reports and analyses, experts – statements of people with proven knowlge and experience, cases are examples of situations in which specific information was verifi in practice. wide and about pixels long.

Job Function Email Database

The most common infographics usually

This means that the length of a typical infographic is about three times its width. Try not to make the infographic too long. The best proportions are , maximum in relation between width and length. Don t underestimate the text Although infographics WS Numbers are mainly associat with images, the texts contain in them should not be underestimat. Research also shows that a good infographic has almost words, which is plenty for a typically visual piece.  image, but also be valuable in itself attract attention and be remember.

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