This new architecture will ensure


 Chief Product CEO Karine Palacios commente. This is an ambitious project that has been launche and is in line with the innovation roadmap planned by Vocalcom. The restructuring faces multiple challenges. Today, Vocalcom intends to unify its infrastructure and merge it into one global platform.


which is located in Europe

 Available across three continents, Latin America Changsha Mobile Number List and the Middle East and Africa, and geographically resilient, by migrating the program to a single architecture, advisors locate at different sites around the world can be interconnecte and included in the global tenant.


 That is, the same virtual team

that handles the same omnichannel activities, routing Estonia Phone Number List calls and contacts from anywhere to anywhere based on load, time of day, or other criteria. By homogenizing versions and technologies, the group will be able to rationalize its costs in order to provide customers with a more resilient and flexible business model. 


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