This is the first streetscape series

So it’s no surprise that we already have several articles about it on our company blog. For each new implementation. we are also interest in exemplary findings while being pleasantly surpris. It is especially important that Google Street View includes many places in our country. such as the Wieliczka Salt Mine. In Europe to be realiz in a basement. As one of the items on the UNESCO Cultural Heritage List. our mining farm is proud and accessible to Internet users around the world. So. we invite you to take an interesting tour of the corridors of the Wieliczka Rock Salt Mine.

View a larger map of Europe

However let’s move from the picturesque lands of Poland to sun-soak Venice. It’s there that Street View representatives have walk and sail kilometers in cable cars in recent months. The Italian city’s wealth finds its way into the film. . We are sure that. although exhausting. the trip will be a great adventure. full Jordan B2B List of impressions and sights. In addition to panoramic images of contemporary buildings. the Google team has not includ historic buildings in the map. On the event website of the Italian Street View operator.

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You can see the whole process

Of creating a panorama in this corner of the world. More information on Adventures in Venice can be found here. World Fantasy Now it’s time for a journey through Middle-earth inspir by the movie The Hobbit. The Desolation of Smaug. This is the adventure of the most popular heroes of the film trilogy in a magical land. Google stresses that it’s available on desktops and laptops or other mobile devices such as phones or tablets. Now. with just one click. we can move from gray reality to the world of Thorin’s company. elves. wizards or other WS Numbers dwarves. As you can see. the best solution is being prepar for everyone. With Street View app.

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