The survey of online stores was randomly

The survey of online stores was randomly select to determine the state of the market in and to identify the phenomena that store owners believe have the greatest impact on the development of the industry. Among other things. they were ask to assess the state of the business. input the attitudes they express when selling.  select to determine the state of the market in and to find out what store owners think is important to them. The most influential phenomenon in the development of the industry. Among other things. they were ask to assess the state of the company.

Enter the attitude they would

Display when selling The state of the market in and identify the phenomena that store owners believe have the greatest impact on the development of the industry. Among other things. they were ask to assess the state of the company.input their attitude towards the sale. goals set for the period and expect trends. That’s good. but not good enough. Most online store owners comment positively on the year from the standpoint of Bangladesh B2B List their business. Among them. the sales of enterprises increas. and the number of enterprises boast that the number of buyers increas. of respondents’ overall financial situation has improv. The above data seem to inspire optimism. Compar with last year’s study.

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It can be seen that the e-commerce

Market has not only not accelerat. but even start to slow down. In the survey. only % of people felt that their situation had deteriorat. and in . this number has been reach. Similar data applies to stores whose sales have declin from an increase to . As many as . entrepreneurs think their store’s financial situation is worse. up from just % last year. Source. Price war over? The vast majority of online store owners are optimists. of people expect WS Numbers the general condition of the store to improve and sales value to increase.


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