The success of such a solution

The success of Sessions are record so you can recreate a potential customer’s journey through the website while analyzing reports. Reports can be tailor The success of to the individual nes of a given company. The user can choose from over 200 values ​​and metrics that can be includ or exclud from their visualizations. It’s the same with the user interface. You can shape it according to your preferences.

Relative to the adjacent paragraphs

Kissmetrics is a paid app and website traffic analysis tool. It offers a demo version for users who want to test the solution. It allows you Peru Mobile Database to trace the user’s path on your website from the binning (the source from which he was rirect to the page) to the end. You will find out how many users have logg in to the website, us specific functionalities, interact with the content or made a purchase.

Cell Phone Number List

Thanks to this the whole

Kissmetric, you can identify the most popular functionalities of your application and the most frequently view subpages on the website. A WS Numbers thorough analysis of the user’s path. Will allow you to understand why they are unable to perform certain activities ( make a purchase). The tool allows you to get to know the customer better not only his activity on a given website, but also his interests, whether he is a new user or a returning user.

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