The second The Research Intelligence tool from Similarweb shows the analytics of competitor sites 3. Matoma Matomo is a free tool if you decide to host it on your own servers or in a paid version available in the cloud. Its big advantage is the fact that linking a website The second to the tool does not require programming skills or advanc knowlge in the field of web development. This can be done easily with popular CMS.
With D elements scrolling
This solution has a lot of functionalities useful for business. Such as the ability to conduct. SEO analysis of the website or a tool for Argentina Mobile Database evaluating forms plac on the website. It also allows you to perform A/B tests, as well as analyze the effectiveness of video or audio elements plac on your website. You can switch to Matomo without worry, even if your company previously us Google Analytics, as the application allows you to easily import historical data.
Page becomes light spatial
Matomo’s open source tool provides the user. With a rich set of analytical data Matomo. Provides detail information about your WS Numbers users, the sources from. Which they come to your website, their behavior on the website (including purchasing behavior) and conversions . Heatmaps are available to the user visualizations showing where the visitor click and how they navigat the site.