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Thanks to which we Using this framework, we can save a lot of time by using ready-made elements, such as authentication at registration and login pages, Blade templates or a built-in task schuler. When executing the backend in JavaScript, we can use, for example, It is a framework built in TypeScript and strongly inspir by the aforemention Angular. It provides a modular framework for building scalable and maintainable server applications. is bas on Express. and extends it with additional features.

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Thanks to it, we can render a website on the server side, which not only significantly spes up the loading of applications and websites, but also Honduras Mobile Database positively affects SEO. Frontend vs backend – the difference What is the main difference between frontend and backend? The frontend is responsible for the user interface and how it interacts with the website, while the backend is behind the logic and data of the website or application.

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This relationship is best illustrat by the example of a contact form. The elements that the user can see and complete are the effect of the WS Numbers frontend, and the process of sending data from the form to the database is the backend. Another more comprehensive example is an online store website. Every element that the customer sees on the page, such as the product grid, images and content, is the frontend.

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