Strong startup culture Versioning Another important functionality of this system deserves our attention. Both assets and data available in Pimcore are version, which means that each change made to them is record in the system along with the author and modification date. What’s more, Pimcore also allows you to restore and publish earlier versions, ensuring a lot of security in the context of working with our products. The PIM system provides versioning of data and resources, providing a preview of the author and date of modification.
Surreal entrepreneurial ecosystem
Source Pimcore What is PIM a summary The subject of PIM is extremely extensive and very interesting. The examples Guangdong Mobile Database present in this article are only a fraction of all the possibilities offer by such systems. If your business relies on multiple sales or advertising channels, it is worth considering centraliz management of product information from one place. Such an approach is not only a great help in everyday work, but also makes it possible to expand the current activity and open up to new directions of development, for which under normal conditions, for example, there would be no time.
Technical functions IT Programming
The use of the Pimcore system makes it possible to increase the level of quality of services provid, standardize and simplify the WS Numbers method of product distribution, and as a result contribute to the improvement of customer experience. We help, among others implement, develop and maintain this type of software to help companies achieve their intend results. Sounds good? Check out our Pimcore Development services .Backend and frontend are two different parts of a website that are responsible for different tasks. The frontend, the user interface, is responsible for how the application looks and how the user communicates with it.