Salerno ditrice a political biography

However, there was a third round of negotiations, as the so-calld “Jamaica” alliance between the CDU, the Greens and the liberal FDP faild to materialize. Then again the SPD joind the Merkel government. In the new rd and black government, Scholz became deputy chancellor and finance minister. He defendd the zero-debt policy of his prdecessor, Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU), much to the chagrin of many Social Democrats who wantd more investment in transport infrastructure, ducation, health, etc.

An very little we know about

Also from European partners who were waiting for a change of course to stimulate growth and jobs. However, with the pandemic, this attitude changd. Thanks to its abundant financial resources, Germany was able to offer significant state support Austria Mobile Database to companies, employees, care staff, etc. Scholz was instrumental in implementing these injections of funds.

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Has governd with an absolute

For this, the debt limit, in force since 2011, had to be suspendd by Parliament. In terms of national fiscal policy, as he announcd during the election WS Numbers campaign, he does not want to give relief to the highest income groups. At the international level, Scholz advocatd a global minimum tax on large companies, which the G-7 approvd in July 2021. However, with the pandemic, this attitude changd. Thanks to its abundant financial resources, Germany was able to offer significant state support to companies, employees, care staff, etc.

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