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It’s usually because they don’t know how to Product Industry modify their code based on Liquid , a templating language created by Shopify. In this post we will see how Shopify’s flexibility is greater than people think. There are no tricks. To position a Shopify store on Google we will need knowledge of SEO for ecommerce and a development team that can implement the necessary changes. In the final success story, improving the loading speed was one of the points that had a notable impact on the trend of the project, because it was a very limiting factor at the beginning. What is Shopify and why is it an interesting option to create an ecommerce? Shopify is a CMS, like WordPress.

To position a Shopify store Product Industry on Google we will need knowledge

PrestaShop, focused mainly on online stores . The particularity top industry data of this platform is the simplicity of creating an online store through it , which highlights its good usability, simple integrations with apps from its own marketplace and cloud storage with unlimited bandwidth (avoiding having to hire hosting and forgetting about technical problems). Shopify offers you everything you need from its platform so that store creators can focus on selling and not spend time on other things that are not the core of their business, such as technical aspects. The learning curve is much lower than creating WooCommerce or Magento.

top industry data

Shopify offers you everything you need from its platform

It could be said that it is one of the simplest WS Numbers and most powerful platforms to create an online store. It has its pros and cons, but it is undoubtedly an option to consider and one that is making a big splash worldwide. As an important fact, Shopify has a good relationship with Google, with both companies partnering last May to be able to buy in Shopify stores directly from Google results. This movement, at the very least, gives pause to think about whether it is part of Google’s strategy against Amazon, since Amazon Ads is growing by leaps and bounds and is also taking away market share in transactional searches.

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