SEO link building to position your website with links

If since its inception there has been a common and popular practice on the Internet, it is that of linking a web page with others, or what we have come to know in SEO as link building . This is not only a way to provide extra value and boost traffic, but also to improve web positioning by linking to content from other sites. Far from disappearing, quality SEO link building is increasingly relevant to Google. So it is necessary to follow a series of guidelines to optimize our web link strategy. Why should it be one of the aspects that you should take the most care of and work on with your website right now? To answer these questions and talk in more depth about link building, we have in this guest post Carlos Suárez.

How to plan a successful SEO link building strategy?

Creating a good SEO link building strategy in a high percentage of online businesses becomes an essential point email leads to be able to compete in traffic and positioning with the rest of the websites. It is important to follow some considerations when generating web links that point to the site we are working on to get the best possible profitability from our campaign. To understand why it benefits us when a website links to us, we will refer to the concept of authority. Domain authority is one of the aspects that Google takes into account to value a certain website. Logically, the better prepared a page is in terms of incoming links from consolidated sources and on the same topic, the greater authority it will have.

Sources to measure the authority of a page

This is a wrong approach, since one of the points that Google takes into account is that you link to other relevant WS Numbers pages, as long as you do it meaningfully. By linking to a website of authority, that is, one well considered by Google, we are offering the user a reference to our content and this will always be favorable to us. Sources to measure the authority of a page PageRank Page Rank is a system created by Google to determine the authority of a domain. This metric offers a value from 0 to 10 and is primarily based on inbound links pointing to a domain. It was a key factor until 2013, when Google stopped updating it. One of the main reasons for stopping using this metric publicly was the difficulty for Google to control.

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