Our data shows that word

Answers for grade reading levels work best. We did this research by developing a technique call . It can automatically ask voice search devices questions, transcribe the answers, and then analyze the web pages that provide the answers. This allows us to collect data on thousands of queries without locking someone in a room with a speaker for a week. All we ne is the initial list of questions provid to ! It does the rest. In addition to the aforemention data, 2019 introduc two types of structur data that automatically enable voice search on-device. And the schema automatically creates an operation (operation equivalent). You can find full documentation and eligibility requirements for these schema types here and here.

If you have such content

On your site, we strongly encourage you to take advantage of this tag. The year of voice search Experts have been claiming that next year will be the year of voice search. While we’re not quite ready to say 2019 is the true year of voice search, there’s no doubt the technology is increasing its usefulness and proliferation. In the Unit States, for example, nearly one-third of the population is expect to use a voice assistant at least once a month. In our view, voice Spain B2B List search must clear several hurdles to become an acquisition and sales platform for businesses: Lack of detail data on traffic and sales generat by voice assistants. Even with techniques such as , we can’t say definitively how much traffic a voice query select as an answer actually drives.

B2B Email List

Non-commercial intent of the user

Of the smart assistant. A 2019 PwC study show that only 100% of smart assistant users have us the technology to buy or order products. However, of users do use a smart assistant to answer questions, so there is an opportunity for brands to increase exposure by ranking well for voice queries. Once these hurdles are clear, the ROI of voice search optimization will become clearer and stronger. At the same time, forward-thinking brands can set themselves up for success by immiately optimizing their content and ranking for queries relevant to their business. To learn WS Numbers more, see our recent white paper on how voice search is evolving to get the VP’s perspective.


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