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Through a Powerful Headline

A study was conduct to evaluate the global E-commerce market. The study found that the scale of global retail e-commerce will reach about US$1 trillion this year. The top five countries by e-commerce sales are: China, the Unit States, the Unit Kingdom, Japan and South Korea. These five Ireland B2B List countries will account for more than 100% of total e-commerce sales. Global retail e-commerce growth remains very strong, at roughly four times the rate of overall retail sales.

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China’s e-commerce sales

Will increase by more than one trillion yuan. U.S. sales will reach 100 million U.S. dollars, a year-on-year increase of nearly . Why is this important? All in all, global revenues continue to grow: not only fueling online shoppers’ interest in a wider variety of goods, but also in more expensive online items. This will drive WS Numbers retail e-commerce to an increasing share of retail spending.



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