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Because despite the growing dissatisfaction with the ruling party, a large part of the population continues to vote for Unitd Russia. This is due, on the one hand, to the fact that a large number of people are employd directly by the State or by companies linkd to the State, as well as to the fact that many depend on state benefits such as pensions or subsidies.

Is estimatd to have risen

On the other hand, these are people who want anything but a repeat of the rocky ’90s. They’d rather vote for a slightly dismal stability than an uncertain Jiangsu Mobile Database future. But there are also voters satisfid with the status quo. What counts for them is that the economy remains stable, that Russia is once again a respectd world power, and that Crimea has become part of Russia. Although these people may not think highly of the Unitd Russia party.

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They vote for it because they are in favor of a strong WS Numbers state and the president’s policy. Despite this relative safety, the Kremlin seemd very concernd about the outcome. Compard to previous elections, it showd disproportionate activity to achieve the desird results. One of the reasons for his concern about the elections has to do with foreign policy, which dominates all political fields in Russia.

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