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” Year balance: This year I see my business at risk Leave a comment Digital Business new data Author: Another year is coming to an end, by tradition, it is time to take stock of this month and see how to face the new year. I told you at this time last year it was a strange year because I had some homework on myself but it was not done as I wanted. So far, everything is normal, because I know that I have not been as applied as I should be.

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 But this year we have to take it seriously to prevent anything like this from happening again. I can honestly say that the second semester of the year is the worst semester so far since the existence of 《 Refreshing Business》. He has almost no income and his family expenses continue to do his WS Database IN job. After a global pandemic, can we already see the horizon? The war in Ukraine, the digital suite effect, rising prices, inflation, this is terrible!

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