Has Always Been That Unpleasant

Currently, the vast majority of university students do not have much interest in listening to the teacher, and even more so when the presentation exces fifteen minutes. Unlike times past, where we listen not for minutes but for hours, because obviously our teacher was consider a reference of truth and knowlge. Although it is true that our concentration was also dilut at times, but fully aware of the importance of the information for our professional training, we again voluntarily return our attention to what was being discuss. In this way learning occurr.

Mysteriously to Lead All of

We were not motivat much, since we enter the university already intrinsically motivat, motivation born from the desire to be successful professionals. But today, when technology is gaining the upper hand, times when students cannot detach themselves from it for even a minute, we ask ourselves: what can we do so that students assimilate some of the content that we transmit to them in the business database classrooms, and that Are they essential for your professional training? Cassany (2003) in his book Constructing Writing presents us with some interesting strategies so that the student can assimilate and appropriate the content that is transmitt in the classroom, which will be discuss later.

Humanity Along the

business database

Many times, teachers ask our students to take notes on the topics we develop, under the conviction that in this way they appropriate the knowlge. However, they often don’t know what ideas to record, or how to do it. On other occasions, they transcribe the idea they heard, but it is a copi idea, not process; therefore, there is no learning, only retention of WS Numbers a piece of information. In this way, by not finding that this content has practical application or responds to a concrete or real situation, it remains for a very short time in the person’s brain and then the person discards it.

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