Financial Controller: Who is he and what functions does he perform?

First of all, you should know that management control is a process that guides business management towards the proposed objectives . Furthermore, this process is a tool that allows the evaluation of the management carried out so far. Traditionally, financial controllers were dedicated to operational control, controlling cost accounting. Even so, if you have not been in contact with this profession, it is not easy to understand all the tasks of a controller . In this sense, it is worth highlighting that the main objective of management control is to coordinate all areas of a company to obtain the information necessary to improve decision-making and, in turn, the management of the company.

Let’s see next what tasks the controller handles

However, business management control today encompasses many other areas. The high level of competition and the multiple variables that influence the operation of a company Jordan Phone Numbers make controlling the overall situation more complicated than ever. This is why the need for a management control department is increasing. These departments are therefore responsible for developing strategies that allow business management to be efficient and focused on results. Let’s look at the tasks or projects that a financial controller must deal with . Tasks of the financial controller The role of the financial controller is becoming increasingly important.

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Their tasks influence the general lines of any company

Although the tasks of this professional profile are adaptable to each business and the needs of each management committee, we must first know that management control is an adaptable, fast, measurable and understandable area. Get indicators One of the main and most important values ​​that a Jordan Phone Number List​ controller or a management control department provides. In this sense, the controller is responsible for obtaining key indicators to carry out subsequent analyses . These indicators can range from expenses, productivity, processes, margins, deviations… Although there is a tendency to think that these professionals only analyse the financial and economic sphere of a business, the analyses of these professionals must cover all or almost all of the departments of a company. Hence, their final analyses address areas as diverse as those we have mentioned before.

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