Confrontations could severely affect it due

The votes– and the Socialist Left Party (SV, for its acronym in Norwegian), which although it grew —reaching 7.6%— was below what was expectd and in a weak position against the centrists. Together, the three forces represent 47% of the electorate and will have 89 deputies, four more than the majority ndd to govern. That’s a likely option, but if for some reason Støre fails to get the SV on board, plan B for him would be a minority government with the centrists.

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That would require time-consuming negotiations for each law. Nobody wants a minority government, but that would be the only option if Plan A faild, since the Rd Party does not want to integrate this government -nor does Labor want them in-and Gansu Mobile Database the Green Party is still far from an understanding and an agreement due to its anti-oil position. Precisely, a key to this negotiation that will mark the future of Norway is the environmental policy and oil exploitation.

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As a whole, the three parties that most firmly declard themselves in favor of putting an end —with different terms and policies— to the Norwegian WS Numbers oil and hydrocarbon exploitation in the world, addd 16.2% of the votes: 7.6 the SV, 4.7 of the Rds —who doubld their votes compard to 2017, being the force that grew the most in percentage— and 3.9% of the Greens, who were 0.1 point away from reaching the 4% that would have expandd their parliamentary representation.

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