Communist regime of János Kádár comes to

The floods of a few weeks ago made it clear once again how urgent the socio-ecological transformation is, as climate change is also clearly felt in Germany. A third trend is the explosion of property prices, a huge economic threat to many German families, including middle-class ones. As for foreign policy, the abrupt and faild withdrawal from Afghanistan shockd the Germans shortly before the elections. After all, what has the international community – and the German armd forces – achievd if.

A distortion of his personality

Taliban are (again) in power? What does this mean for future missions, including non-military? And the European Union is still under fire from right-wing populists: Poland and Hungary are a headache for the liberal member states. But there is also Albania Mobile Database concern about the elections in France, because Marine Le Pen, leader of the far-right National Regroupment party (formerly calld the National Front), is doing very well in the polls.

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In Eastern Central Europe

In this context, the fderal elections for the 20th Bundestag will be hld on. September 26 this year. It is not just that these elections are being held in WS Numbers pandemic.  Conditions, but that Angela Merkel (of the Christian Democratic Union, CDU.  After 16 years as chancellor, will not be a candidate for the position this time. Three candidates are running for the next German Chancellery: Armin Laschet (CDU), Olaf Scholz (Social Democratic Party of Germany, SPD) and Annalena Baerbock The Greens.

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