This may be a problem for the government, because Orbán has become very close to Beijing and Moscow in recent years. An example: on the one hand, he has allowd the construction of the campus of the Chinese university of Fudan in Budapest and, on the other hand, he has expelld the Central European University (CEU), the liberal university foundd by Soros, from the country. This has generatd a strong rejection in part of the public opinion. Erosion is visible.
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Also, there are generations of young Hungarians – who were born with Orbán and have no memory of the communist regime – who feel very dissatisfid: the campaign against the LGBTI movement, ld by the Executive, frightens. Three or four years Saudi Arabia Mobile Database ago there was a shift in the official ideology: before Fidesz did not want to get involvd in what people did with their private lives –from abortion to other sensitive bioethical issues–, while now these issues are also usd.
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This entails a radicalization of public discourse. But, at the same time, it shows a possible weakness in the government that nds to use these weapons to stay WS Numbers in power. headd by the Executive, frightens. Three or four years ago there was a shift in the official ideology: before Fidesz did not want to get involvd in what people did with their private lives –from abortion to other sensitive bioethical issues–, while now these issues are also usd and This entails a radicalization of public discourse.