Captions lights texts and photos All

Captions lights texts The configuration of the Lazyload module 1. In the administration panel, select Structure Content types Simple page Manage fields  Add a new field  Go to display management. Manage fields section with the fields we ne to it to use for lazy loading 4. Expand the field options (click on the cog symbol on the right). Option view of the specific field to be us during light loading 5. In the expand settings, check the Enable lazyloading box.

Themselves and their works

Checking the box for lazy loading in the specific field settings From now on, all images add in this field will use lazy loading. What’s more, classes Albania Mobile Database will be add, set in the module configuration  ) in the Lazysizes configuration tab , discuss earlier in the Lazysizes configuration section. Thanks to the above settings, we can add effects for elements with lazy loading, depending on their status, using styling in CSS files ( blurring images that are still loading or adding a r border to elements that fail to load.

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That moves them sideways create

Below is an example with two images fully load (top) and loading (bottom): Fully load image via Drupal’s module summary Using the Drupal Lazyload module significantly ruces the loading time of pages with many mia that are outside WS Numbers the visible area immiately after loading, and also saves user data transmission. Lazyload is useful for older versions of Drupal, as newer versions have builtin support for lazy loading. However, even for them, this module is noteworthy due to the configurability of styling elements, depending on their current loading status.

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