Bankinter reinforces the value of communication

In recent years, Bankinter has stood out for its dedication when it comes to working on communication. The recognition of such performance, in addition to its positive impact on clients. Has materialized in the obtaining of awards from the marketing and communication industry itself. The Eficacia Awards Jury Club recently chose Bankinter as the winner of the brand career award. The festival’s experts highlighted the coherence. Creativity and differentiation of its advertising communication. Such effectiveness, they stressed, has not only changed the image of the entity itself, but of the entire industry, developing its strategies in a “disruptive and brilliant” way.

Great positive impact for the company

The sum of these actions with a and the sector itself have led experts to classify Bankinter as the third most profitable bank in Europe. “Our commercial industry email list communication and our advertising are axes of Bankinter’s strategy, with which we are committed to communicating in a sustained and differential manner, which attracts business ,” the entity assures. At Bankinter they believe that clients’ efforts should be rewarded through taking care of their money. The raw material with which the bank works, and offering maximum profitability. The entity has sought to focus on what matters, with the aim of offering the best possible products and services.

The campaigns that have motivated this success

At the beginning of 2020, shortly before the unexpected pandemic arrived. Bankinter prepared a proposal to vindicate the role of WS Numbers responsible banking. They established the brand territory based on 3 clear concepts: Trust, Respect and Effort. In this way, the company has managed to communicate its values ​​while focusing on various social situations. The sum of these concepts were the keys to working on the main campaigns of recent years. Which have been the winners of this recognition: “Dinero” was a campaign launched during the most complicated moments of confinement.

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