Amazing journey These types of meetings are perfect for complex projects with dicat functionalities . In this case, we usually require several iterations between the client and the development team leaders . It may happen that during the technical workshops we will create the socall proof of concept, we will prove the technical feasibility of a given functionality. After each complet workshop, the client receives technical documentation and a valuation of the project.
Into the atmosphere of discovering Amazing journey
Which has already been defin in detail during meetings. Project valuation with specific requirements If we receive an inquiry with a Spain Mobile Database detail description of the project and graphic designs, our sales team together with developers develops a list of functionalities and determines the time ne to perform individual tasks. The sum of hours of work on all functionalities is multipli by the hourly rate of the development team.
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To this, we additionally add the rates of other, very important specialists, without whom the project would not be successful. These WS Numbers are: Project manager a person responsible for running the project, watching over the budget and pace of tasks perform by the team of programmers, adapting activities to the client’s business nes and making stratic project decisions, in consultation with the client and the development team. Typically, a project manager is assign about 20 of the development time.