Although filemaker does not have a traditional

Is it possible to set alerts?” “yes. Filemaker can send emails. But we can also use conditional formatting to highlight deadlines and warnings; furthermore. With filemaker server we can run scripts that analyze the data and send alerts.  “privileges and filemaker” “it is possible to create accounts in filemaker and establish for each account what is accessible/visible in the database. The privileges of administrators are not the same as for customers.  “can you do scripting? Although filemaker does not have a traditional programming language. It has its own language with a series of parameterizable commands.

The chart can be formatt with clear


 There are libraries of prefabricat  instructions europe email list that can be select  (in italian) quickly…therefore the learning curve for these functions is very fast.” “can you create charts inside filemaker”? Absolutely yes; in fact. In the webinar anna shows us how to create a simple bar graph to present a report of the activities carri  out for one of our clients. The chart can be formatt  with clear labels and legends to allow easy viewing by our users.” “is it possible to import excel files that come from dat  versions?” yes. Filemaker can perfectly read files with csv. Tab delimit  and txt extensions”.

We are always available for personaliz


Is it possible to integrate filemaker with whatsapp?” there are integrations. Probably paid third-apps. Which can WS Numbers guarantee forms of integrations in this sense. You can check the integrations of any plug-ins through claris connect (where you can find. For example. A powerful plug-in to let our application communicate directly with mailchimp)”. If you participat  in the webinar. If you saw the recording or if you are a filemaker user and have any other questions. We are always available for personaliz  consultations to identify the training path best suit  to your professional ne s.

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