Recommend products Even after

Also claim to love the brand. town in California and consist of four members. Like the reality TV show. there are a camera and a microphone install in the house. Contrary to the film. the family is instruct to sell not only luxury items but everyday items as well. The experiment was carri out for a month. Neighbors were then notifi. An Unintend Result of a Stealth Marketing Experiment Most neighbors were so enthusiastic about the products or product tips recommend by the Mogensons that they bought them outright at their next buying opportunity.

The family will live in a small

It doesn’t matter if it’s hygiene products. clothes or alcohol.  have a great influence on the neighborhood. Through peer recommendations. product Bosnia and Herzegovina Phone Number List recommendations strongly influenc parents of nearby children. Men. on the other hand. were more resistant to suggestions. Video recordings show a decidly defensive attitude. But these suggestions are also valid here. Perhaps the most interesting result was not the confirmation that word of mouth also had a large effect directly among neighbors. but the clarification of neighbors’ responses after the experiment. No negative reactions occurr. The neighbors felt neither betray nor cheat.

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The children of this family also

They even admitt to continuing to buy the WS Numbers claiming that even the recommend products were hat by the Mogensons. the neighbors still swear by them. They were sure the Mogensons would only recommend products that would benefit their own friends. It’s not true. of course. that the Mogensons don’t like their product. since that’s a condition of participating in the experiment. Lindstrom hypothesizes that recommend brands appear to be stor elsewhere in the brain. Testimonials are perceiv as more memorable and accessible personal experiences. A third of neighbors have pass on the Mogensons’ advice to other friends. A month after the clarification the.

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